Preparing to configure national language support

To configure and use the national language support in your Rational® ClearQuest® environment, you must perform the following tasks:
  • Determine the configuration and usage model appropriate to your Rational ClearQuest environment. See Configuration considerations.
  • Determine the preferred Rational ClearQuest data code page for your environment.
  • Create database instances and configure them using the vendor database character set corresponding to your preferred data code page.
  • Set up new database sets, or upgrade your existing database sets to use the selected Rational ClearQuest data code page.
  • If you are moving data from an older version repository, verify that your data retains its integrity during the transfer.
Table 1 lists the tasks an administrator must perform to configure a new Rational ClearQuest environment to use code pages correctly.
Table 1. Administrator tasks and documentation for national language support
Administrator task Documentation
Determine the appropriate Rational ClearQuest data code page value for a schema repository. Selecting the Rational ClearQuest data code page
Set the vendor database character set for all vendor databases to a value that corresponds to the Rational ClearQuest data code page you determined is appropriate for your schema repository. Supported vendor database character sets
If you are running databases or importing data from databases that run an earlier version of Rational ClearQuest, update your installation according to the instructions in the installation documentation.
Note: If you are creating a schema repository for new data, you can skip this step.
See the Installing and upgrading section of the help.
As part of creating each new schema repository with the Maintenance Tool, set the associated Rational ClearQuest data code page. Creating a schema repository