General guidelines for using the code page utility
Run the codepageutil utility on both the master and user databases to locate all characters that are not valid in your new Rational® ClearQuest® data code page. For best results, run the utility on the user databases first, to determine whether user data records, metadata (such as record types) and master data (such as user names) need to be changed. Then, make the changes using DBMS vendor tools, the Maintenance Tool, the Designer, or the User Administration tool. After you change the master database, update the user database from the master and run the utility again to check the user database.
Before running the utility, disconnected all Rational ClearQuest clients from the schema repository and user databases. If any clients are connected, they can still enter data outside the new data code page (that is, invalid characters), after you set the Rational ClearQuest data code page value.
Also, back up the schema repository and all user databases.
After you run the utility with the user databases, run it with the master database to check for characters that are not valid in the master data, such as schema names, user database names or additional user or group names not found in the user databases.
It may be necessary to delete old schema revisions that contain characters that are not valid. If you decide to delete old schema revisions, export a copy of the schema beforehand, in case you want to review them.