Changing the ClearQuest data code page value
However, if you set the data code page to a non-ASCII value, subsequently changing it to another code page might cause data corruption. To avoid data corruption, convert all existing data into characters that the new data code page supports. See your vendor database documentation for conversion instructions. Use the codepageutil test_codepage and codepageutil analyze_tables subcommands to evaluate your data and determine whether a full conversion is possible.
Use procedures as documented by your database vendor for changing database character sets. Verify that your database vendor character set is set to the correct value as listed in Supported vendor database character sets.
In a Rational ClearQuest MultiSite environment, changing the data code page from any non-ASCII value might introduce incorrect data in your oplogs. For best results, remove all replicas, clean the database at the mastering site, scrub the oplogs, and then re-create your replicas.