Code page conversion details

In working with data, Rational® ClearQuest® accepts the data from a client application (for example, Designer or Maintenance Tool) and then converts each character to Unicode to operate on the data. When the data manipulation is complete, Rational ClearQuest converts the Unicode results back to the appropriate data code page for output to the database.

Because Rational ClearQuest can convert data from any supported data code page to Unicode, and from Unicode to any supported data code page, it is no longer necessary for the client platform to run a local character set that corresponds to the schema repository data code page before writing the data to the database.

This new capability allows Rational ClearQuest to operate in a mixed character-set deployment, as long as all clients have fonts installed to enter and display data in a language compatible with the data code page of the schema repository.
Attention: Many code pages contains characters for multiple similar languages, for example the Windows Latin-1 Western European code page (Windows 1252) contains the characters from English, French, German, Italian, Danish, Portuguese, and other languages.

Rational ClearQuest offers several features that validate data; only data that can be appropriately handled by the schema repository and user database can be entered.