Moving or restoring Rational ClearQuest databases using independent software vendor utilities

When Rational® ClearQuest® databases are moved or cloned using independent software vendor tools, additional steps must be performed to ensure successful operation.

It is possible to use independent software vendor database tools to create a clone of the Rational ClearQuest production databases as a testing environment. You can also use independent software vendor database tools to restore Rational ClearQuest databases from one server to another for migration or disaster recovery purposes. If Rational ClearQuest databases are moved or cloned using independent software vendor tools, steps must be taken to ensure successful operation.

Attention: Rational ClearQuest only supports database migration using Rational ClearQuest tools. Failure to follow these directions correctly may result in the use of preexisting database connection information for the previous schema repository or user databases, and will corrupt your production environment.
  1. Restore the databases from backup. The databases must match the vendor configuration requirements outlined in the Rational ClearQuest documentation.
  2. Open the Rational ClearQuest Maintenance Tool to change the database information stored in the Schema Repository. You must log in as an Admin or a super user.
    Attention: Failure to perform this step may result in creating a connection to the original environment where the databases were restored from.
    Steps for creating a test environment Steps for moving production databases
    1. Click Schema Repository>Update>Other.
    2. Enter information for the newly created cloned schema repository database. Do not enter the connection information for the production database, even if that is the information that originally appears in the Update Other dialog.
    3. Click Connection>New to create a new connection. By default, the information for the cloned database should appear for the new connection.
    1. Select an existing connection to update the schema repository with the new login information.
    2. Click Schema Repository>Update>Selected Connection.
    3. Enter the properties for the new location of the production schema repository database. If no connection exists, follow the steps for creating a test environment.
    4. Export the connection profile. Rational ClearQuest for Windows Client users and Eclipse RCP client users must import the connection profile to receive the new connection parameters to the master database. If you use Rational ClearQuest Web server to connect to this database, you must import the cqprofile.ini file on the Web server.
  3. Log in to the Rational ClearQuest Designer with the new connection profile.
  4. Update the user database properties. For each logical user database, reenter all the information that is relevant to the new location of the user database. If this is a part of a test environment, ensure that the information entered into the connection fields is not for of the production environment. A message will display stating that the database information has been updated. Repeat this step for each applicable database in the environment.
  5. Log in to the user databases in the Rational ClearQuest client to test the Rational ClearQuest usability.

Tip: Always make new database backups of your schema repository and user databases prior to making schema changes or performing database upgrades. Failure to create backups can limit your ability to recover from a an upgrade failure, design change issues, or other unforeseen failures.